Plantagen 2015
Purpose: Develop unique range and products for Plantagens own assortment.
One of the most important things in business is to focus on who your customers are and making sure their needs are being met. If you are looking at expansion or growth for your company, catalogize what you already have and in what way you can simplify the process in regards to your target group. I’ve been working with this my entire life and I know the difference it makes.
In 2014 I started working for Plantagen, one of the largest businesses in the plant industry in the Nordic countries.
During my first interview I got the question “Do you know anything about Plants?” and I said no. And that’s why I got the job. I could see things from a new perspective, and I understood the needs of a customer who lacks any knowledge in growing and keeping plants. Together we were able to create simple solutions that spoke directly to their target group.
One of the challenges with growing plants is space, if you have a limited amount of space you probably want to keep different kinds of plants in the same pot. There are two things to consider: the different amount of space and water each plant needs to grow healthy.
In regard to these facts we came up with the outdoor pot Olea; a pot that comes in different shapes and sizes which is easily put together to fit every kind of home. Which we developed in close collaboration with Kroonform Design. Olea has the ability to change city balconies into mini gardens, as you can adjust it to your specific needs.
As we wanted the Olea pot to be used outdoors all year round, we ended up producing the pot in Italy with a clay made up from volcano sand which can withstand up to -25c.
Outcome: The Olea pot has been a true success story since launching. This was the first time Plantagen designed their own outdoors pot.